Friday, June 07, 2013

Tolerance Swings Both Ways

A news item caught my attention this morning and I have a sneaking suspicion that many of my Christian friends are going to jump on this kids bandwagon...’s-prayer
While I somewhat admire his cahonies...before all my Christian friends jump on his bandwagon, just be ready and prepared to be gracious when the wiccan valedictorian or the hindu valedictorians of the future pull their own version of the stunt. I think that if all faiths had the same freedom of expression within the school system (as we do outside of it) that would be OK. An absolute ban on any religious content is really a statement that all forms of faith expression are somehow "something to be afraid of" and a faith-free-zone being a superior educational environment, is after all a worldview in and of itself. All I am saying is if you want to give this kid his props and air time, be ready to be as tolerant to others. It swings both ways!