Friday, December 20, 2013

I am going to weigh in here on the hysteria with Duck Dynasty ( Disclaimer I don't have cable I have never watched 30 seconds of the show).
Can I remind my Christian friends of a passage I will be preaching Sunday morning at Renaissance, that Joseph was told to name Mary's son "Jesus" because " He will save his people from their sins" . Don't forget that the "their" that is there, is for his people. Most people missed the boat on Jesus because they were expecting a Messiah that would save them from other peoples sins.
If some bearded guy pays a price for his faith it won't be the first time nor the last.
My favorite bearded guy paid the price 2000 years ago ( when no one had cable) for my sins. Of that I am sure. I'd rather focus on the fact that by his suspension (on a cross) all men and women can be made right.
The thing about all dynasties is they end, on the other hand as I will hear people sing (this Saturday night ) " and he shall reign for ever and ever".

Of course you are free to call me a quack. 

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